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Learning & Knowledge Management Solution

Learning Need Assessment & Roadmap

We provide comprehensive skill assessment for the workforce and provide training roadmap for each of them based on market demand and business priorities. We follow different types of skilling based on individual requirements.


  • SKILLING – A focused effort to train an employee in a particular set of skills as required by job and role architectures: e.g. talent segment, level, specialization, 

  • UP-SKILLING – To teach additional required skills to better enable the employee to take on additional roles in their current job or to be more successful in their existing job.  Up-skilling may also be leveraged to facilitate movement across levels in the organization.

  • CROSS-SKILLING/MULTI-SKILLING – To teach additional skills to enable the employee to perform roles other than those required by the current job.  Often this is useful when the organization is small and a single person takes on more than one job, with multiple roles.  Research indicates that the risk with this is that it might impact productivity and may result in larger skill gaps in the organization with attrition of the cross-skilled employees .

  • RE-SKILLING – To enable employees with new skills altogether based on business or market demand for certain set of skills.  There is a potential implication that the skills that the employee already has maybe obsolete or less in demand and hence the goal of re-skilling is usually to make the employee transferrable or re-purposable in a different role or job.

Niche Skill Training

Our innovative and customized solutions will help you in drastically cutting down the cost and time of training. We specialize in training of super premium skills delivered in cassroom format delivred by highly experienced indusry SMEs.

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